As professionals with targets, projects to manage and bills to pay, we must perform, whether it’s the beginning of the week or the exhausting end of a long, hard one. And it’s precisely when times get tough that a good…
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As professionals with targets, projects to manage and bills to pay, we must perform, whether it’s the beginning of the week or the exhausting end of a long, hard one. And it’s precisely when times get tough that a good…
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If you’re looking for ways to increase productivity in your project (and who isn’t?), then you’ll need to know how to effectively measure your progress. Tracking these key performance indicators (KPI) will help keep the team productive and the project…
It’s best to have a management style in place before attempting to carve out a piece of the marketplace or execute a big project. Two of the most popular approaches are top-down and bottom-up management, both of which provide a…
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Resources are limited, but your ability to manage them to fulfill the needs of your project isn’t. One of the many challenges that face project managers is how to guide their project to a successful end without enough resources. The…
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Is leadership something you’re born with or can it be taught? It’s an interesting question, but one that you shouldn’t spend too much time stressing over. Even if you are full of charisma and people naturally line up to follow…
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Leadership might be hard to define, but it’s easy to recognize. That doesn’t mean leaders are passive, resting on inherent abilities. True, some are born leaders and others learn how to become effective leaders. Both take work, and leadership assessment…
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Do cross-functional teams lead to greater project success? It depends on who you ask. Some people believe cross-functional teams can be very productive, given they have clear governance, accountability, specific goals, suitable project management tools, as well as the organization…
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Whether managing a project or working to understand, analyze and improve the steps involved in a business process to achieve a specific goal, decisions need to be made. Using a decision flowchart is a visual means to evaluate different approaches…
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You can spend hours reading business books and browsing blogs about teamwork, but sometimes, teamwork quotes from history seem to say more than an entire book ever could. And since every team can use a little extra motivation once in…
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Managing multiple projects at once can be a bit like a juggling act. Every action taken in one project needs to feed into the next with fluidity and poise, and when done right, a skilled portfolio manager can make it…
A project isn’t successful just because it’s been completed on time and within budget. There’s another project constraint that is critical to success: quality. Stakeholders aren’t going to be happy if the quality of the product or service doesn’t meet…
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Projects, no matter the size and scope, are complex. If they weren’t, they might as well be tasks on a to-do list. Luckily, project management is a team effort—for every project, there’s a project team working together to make deliverables…
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The word “management” doesn’t always have a positive connotation. But try getting anything done in a fast-paced work environment without applying the four functions of management. No matter what type of work you do, having a clear understanding of the…
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