Making your first project
Featured templates & file imports
Learn how to start your project with a featured template or a MPP, XLS or CSV file import.
Introduction to the project views
Get to know our dynamic project views that update in real time.
Introduction to task management
Learn how to create tasks and fill out task details so your team can better execute.
Setting up your account
Customize your profile and alerts
Personalize your ProjectManager experience and set your alerts to be as productive as possible.
Invite users & set working hours
Invite your team and specify working hours so you can start scheduling work.
Security & account settings
Customize your security and account settings to safeguard data and achieve peace of mind.
Planning with the Gantt
Gantt columns and timelines
Get to know the columns in the Gantt chart, as well as how the timeline works.
Phases, tasks and details
Learn how to add phases, tasks and task details to the Gantt chart.
Critical path, dependencies and printing
See how to filter for the critical path, set dependencies and print your Gantt schedule.
Tracking with dashboards
Intro to the project dashboard
Understand the graphs on the project dashboard, and see how to get one up and running.
Intro to summary dashboards
Learn about the three different summary dashboards and see how each project role can benefit.
Intro to the portfolio dashboard
Learn how to use the portfolio dashboard to track all your projects and programs on one screen.