There are many ways to manage a project. While project management software is the gold standard, there are many free project management templates for Google that you can download to plan, manage and track your projects. Get these free project management templates for Google and take control of your project to deliver it successfully.
Best Project Management Templates for Google Sheets
There are many project management templates for Google online. They cover all phases of the project through its life cycle. It can be a bit intimidating to search such a large database to find the free project management templates for Google that are right for you.
It’s easy to start using these free project management templates for Google. Simply click on the link for the template you want, which will then open it as a view-only file. Go to file and click make a copy. Now, you’ll have a workable project management template for Google that you can customize to fit your project.
1. Project Budget Template for Google Sheets
A project requires funding to execute the plan. Without a budget, that plan is no more than a good idea. But having a budget is no simple task. It involves accurately estimating all the costs associated with the project. If you are off that money can come out of your pocket.

Using this free project budget Google template can help you better forecast project costs, which will help when you’re bidding for that work. It has space to capture all your labor and material costs, but also travel, equipment and fixed costs. You can add more if you like as the Google template is fully customizable.
Not only does this free project management template for Google help as you’re planning the project budget, but it also allows you to track costs to help you stay on budget. You can see your planned and budget costs to gauge if you’re on track.
As good as free project management templates for Google are, they’re not a perfect solution for managing your project. For one, they’re static documents that require manual updates. More than that, they’re standalone documents, separate from your other project management tools.
ProjectManager is award-winning project management software that has robust Gantt charts to not only organize tasks, link all four types of task dependencies and filter for the critical path, but also manage your resources and costs in real time. Once you’ve made a budget, set the baseline to capture it so you can track your planned costs against your actual costs in real time without having to constantly update your Google sheet. Get started with ProjectManager today for free.

2. Gantt Chart Template for Google Sheets
Gantt charts are one of the most versatile project management tools there are, as they allow project managers to plan, schedule and track their projects. They have two main components, a table with project task information such as due dates and duration and a stacked bar chart that shows the project timeline.

This free Gantt chart template for Google Sheets can help you visualize your project timeline and the order in which project activities will be executed. Simply enter your task details and the Google Sheets template will generate a stacked bar chart for your project.
3. Action Plan Template for Google Sheets
An action plan is just that, a plan of action. It’s a way to realize a goal. It’s what a project is all about. You have goals and objectives and plan to achieve them. Use this free action plan template for Google Sheets to create a pragmatic framework to do that.

A good action plan is thorough and this free action plan template for Google covers all the bases to ensure you reach your objective in a timely manner. Like any project, it’s broken up into phases and each phase is further broken down into the individual tasks necessary to complete that phase successfully.
There’s also a place to assign team members to specific tasks and add a start date and an end date to those tasks. You can add the planned hours for each task, which department is responsible for the work, the materials needed and the costs associated with the job. There’s even a status column to track progress.
4. Task Tracker Template for Google Sheets
Creating a plan is the first step, but without monitoring the progress of those tasks, your plan can quickly fall apart. To avoid costly delays, you want to track your tasks and make sure they’re keeping to the project schedule. The free task tracker template for Google is a great tool to monitor your progress.

To track tasks, you first must list them, which the free template for Google Sheets lets you do. Then you can add who the task is assigned to and what its priority is. There’s also a place for you to add the scheduled start date and end date.
All that information is important, but the real power of this free task tracker template for Google is the status column. Here, you can show whether the task is opened or closed. Since the Google Sheet template is customizable, you can add other statuses to better follow the task’s progress.
5. Work Breakdown Structure Template for Google Sheets
Projects have a final deliverable, which is usually a product or service. But throughout the project’s life cycle, there are many deliverables. To identify all the deliverables that make up a project, you can use this free work breakdown structure template for Google Sheets.

From identifying each deliverable you can figure out the tasks that will get you there, which will then inform your schedule. The free WBS template for Google Sheets is an essential planning tool to ensure that you don’t neglect any of the steps necessary to complete your project.
The free WBS template for Google is divided into two sheets. The first is a spreadsheet in which all your tasks can be listed, including any dependencies, resources and more. Then the second sheet is a tree diagram in which the final deliverable is on top and stemming from there are all the deliverables that make up the five phases of the project.
6. To-Do List Template for Google Sheets
People have understood the power of a to-do list since the pen hit the paper. It’s one of the earliest task management tools and its longevity proves its worth. Just think, is there any greater satisfaction than crossing a task off your to-do list? The free to-do list template for Google Sheets brings the tool into the modern age.

This isn’t any to-do list that you’d jot down on a sticky note and paste to your computer. The free project management template for Google is more dynamic. As with any to-do list, it starts with a list of all the tasks you have to complete, including their start dates and end dates.
Until a run-of-the-mill to-do list, there’s a column where you can note the percentage complete for each task and even its status. This allows you to track your progress and make sure that you complete your work in a timely manner.
7. Google Sheets Kanban Board Template
A kanban board is a visual tool that can help you manage any type of project. Simply use the kanban cards to represent tasks and columns to show each of the stages of your workflows and move cards across the board as tasks are completed.

On top of that, this free Google Sheets kanban board allows you to collaborate with your team members online, assign tasks to them and track their progress.
8. RACI Matrix Template for Google Sheets
Organizing projects makes them run better. Everyone involved in the project must know their roles and responsibilities or else there’ll be too much time explaining what to do and not enough time doing it. Using a free RACI matrix template for Google Sheets is the perfect tool to get everyone on the same page and avoid problems.

RACI is an acronym that stands for responsible, accountable, consulted and informed. The RACI matrix is a chart that gives everyone in the project team and its stakeholders one of those titles. The chart is divided into phases on the right vertical and running across the upper horizontal are the names of everyone in the project.
This creates a grid or matrix and within each box under a person’s name will be one of the letters, R, A, C or I. For example, the project manager will be responsible for the project plan and key project stakeholders will want to be informed.
9. Resource Plan Template for Google Sheets
Resources are everything you need to execute the project, from your team to materials, equipment and more. Having those resources in sufficient quantities when you need them is a complicated endeavor and one that must be planned in detail. Using the free resource plan template for Google Sheets will help your project run smoother.

Use this free template for Google to identify all the project resources you’ll need. Each is then listed and in another column, you’re able to identify the team and its members as well as the amount of resources needed for that line item.
There’s also a column to capture the rate and then the total cost. Now you can integrate your project schedule and budget to help you better track costs. Use the calendar grid to define when each resource is needed. The Google template can then be saved and used as historical data as you plan resources for future projects.
10. Status Report Template for Google Sheets
When you’re executing the project, monitoring its progress and performance is critically important. One tool in your toolbox to do this is reports. There are a variety of different reports when managing a project, but few are as comprehensive as the status report, which captures data over the course of a specific period in the project.

Having the free status report template for Google lays out all the various components of a status report so you can provide a snapshot of the project to help you understand better how it’s progressing and performing. This will provide project managers with vital information on how to manage the project and also give stakeholders updates to manage their expectations.
Get an overview of the project, from progress to deliverables and milestones achieved. There’s also a section on the health of the project, including budget, schedule, scope and quality. Finally, there’s an overview of the project’s risk management and a place in which recommendations can be made.
11. Risk Register Template for Google Sheets
Speaking of risks, they’re a part of every project and must be managed. Risks can be positive and negative, one to take advantage of and the other to mitigate. Using the free risk register template for Google ensures that you’re ready to respond to risk when it occurs as an issue in your project.

On this free Google template, you have a column to collect every risk you can imagine happening in the project. Then, you’ll want to define its impact on the project and what the response will be if, in fact, it occurs.
That just sets you up to identify risk and resolve it when issues show up. But the project management template for Google goes further, defining the level of risk to help you determine the priority of your response. There’s also a place to assign a team member to own that risk and take responsibility for action if it shows up in the project.
12. Timesheet Template for Google Sheets
Timesheets are essential project documents that ensure your team is compensated fairly for their work. It’s important to the team, but also to the project manager as it provides a means of tracking the amount of time they’re taking to complete their tasks. Use the free timesheet template for Google Sheets to streamline payroll and help track progress on your projects.

This project management template for Google breaks down the work week by day and adds the date and pertinent information about the employee, such as name, department, supervisor and hourly rate.
The Google template goes on to show the employee’s start time, lunch and end time for each time. After that, the hours worked are recorded. There’s a column for any overtime and the total hours worked are added. That column is then added for the week for the employee’s weekly pay.
13. Google Sheets Inventory Template
This Google Sheets inventory template is designed to help you keep track of the raw materials or any physical items such as equipment your team needs to complete their tasks and produce deliverables.

It allows you to monitor the number of units in stock, price per unit, reorder information and total inventory cost. In the case of project managers, it’s important when keeping track of costs and project budgets.
14. Schedule Template for Google Sheets
This free schedule template for Google Sheets facilitates the process of creating a schedule for tracking the time your employees work each week. Because it is a Google Sheets spreadsheet format, it can be easily shared with your team members by simply sharing a link with them so they know when they’re scheduled for work.

The best part of using this schedule template for Google Sheets is everyone on your team can view their weekly work schedule from any device at any time as long as they’re logged into their Google account. Another advantage of using this Google Sheets template is that it saves any changes you make in real-time for all users who have access to your file, which means all your employees will have the latest version of the work schedule.
15. Yearly Business Budget Template for Google Sheets
Creating a yearly budget for your business or department is a great way of ensuring there will be available resources for running its operations. This free budget template for Google Sheets allows you to track different types of business costs related to labor, equipment, materials and more. Additionally, it allows you to specify the recurrence of each project cost and compare planned versus actual costs.

16. Google Sheets Calendar Template
There are many tools you can use to schedule a project such as Gantt charts, kanban boards and many more. But sometimes you need a simpler tool that’s easy to understand by everyone on your team, such as a project calendar.

This Google Sheets calendar template allows you to map all your project tasks, their due dates and durations over a project calendar spreadsheet. You can use it for all types of projects and share it with project clients, team members and other project stakeholders.
17. Google Sheets Timeline Template
As long as you’re managing a project of any kind, you’ll need to estimate the duration of tasks and then make a timeline to help you coordinate the efforts of your team members to produce project deliverables on time.

This free Google Sheets timeline template helps you easily make timelines that can be used by organizations from any industry.
18. Google Docs Gantt Chart Template
While this is not exactly a Google Sheets project management template, this Google Docs Gantt chart has the same functionality as Google Sheets. However, this format can be useful for making project management reports and documentation, or it can be easily printed and distributed among the participants of a project meeting.

19. Google Slides Timeline Template
This Google Slides timeline template is very similar to the Google Sheets timeline template we described above, but the main difference between them is that this Google Slides timeline template was specifically designed to visualize project timelines during project management meetings. It has two main components, a timeline overview for marking events such as key deliverables and milestones and a series of detailed monthly timelines that show project tasks, durations and due dates.

20. Project Estimate Template for Google Sheets
Download this project estimate template for Google Sheets for an easy and straightforward way to identify and collect all project costs. In reality, countless costs must be factored into a project estimate, and it can be hard to keep track of them all in an organized manner. This free template is one of the most effective tools for helping project managers avoid overspending on projects. Plus, it’s in a format you and your team can easily access.

21. Google Sheets RAID Log Template
A RAID log stands for risks, assumptions, issues and decisions. This Google Sheets RAID log template is the ideal tool to use to better manage and track issues when they show up in a project. The sooner you identify and understand these issues, the less chance they have to impact your project as a whole. Use the Google Sheets RAID log template to list the RAID category and provide a description as well as the impact, response, priority level and more. It’s helpful for more effective planning and can help teams better understand how changes will impact the project.

22. Risk Matrix Template for Google Sheets
Risks can quickly go from a possibility to something that derails the progress of the entire project. However, not all risks are the same; some can be positive and some can be negative. The best way to manage and mitigate risks is to have a system for determining if risk will happen in a project. Download this risk matrix template for Google Sheets as a communication tool to let the project team know if a risk might occur during the project. Categorize each risk based on the likelihood and severity of it happening to identify risks and come up with a plan to address and resolve them.

23. Change Request Form for Google Docs
Change is inevitable in any project, and things rarely go perfectly. If you don’t respond to change in the right way, it can cause the project to be unsuccessful. This is where the change request form for Google Docs comes in handy as it acts as a structured process for dealing with changes. This is part of the change management process to help project leaders better prepare for and respond to change. This Google Docs template includes a description of the change including the reason, priority, impact on deliverables and more. It also has room to add the impact of the change.

24. Change Log Template for Google Sheets
Similar to the change request form, the change log template for Google Sheets is also designed to make it easier to understand how a change will impact a project. A change management log is a written document that outlines all notable changes made to a project. This could be anything from a new resource that needs to be added, a delay in the project timeline or a change to how stakeholders want to be communicated with. It helps improve transparency and accountability and supports better risk management.

25. Issue Tracking Google Sheets Template
It’s important to be aware of any project issues that could come up in the project. This makes it easier to ensure they are all addressed in a timely manner and increases accountability for how the issues will be mitigated. An issue tracking template for Google Sheets helps document and manage issues that come up during a project. This makes it easier to notate, prioritize and track how these issues are resolved. The template helps define the priority of issue and assigns it to specific team members so they can check it off when it’s complete.

26. Objectives and Key Results (OKR) Template for Google Sheets
In projects, the objective should be a qualitative description of a goal or ideal outcome. This should be a lofty goal but one that is achievable. Key results, on the other hand, are specific, measurable metrics that help determine if progress has been made during the objective. OKRs are ideal for aligning your team’s efforts and tracking their progress and goals. This free objectives and key results template for Google Sheets helps teams foster a sense of accountability and ownership while facilitating discussions around key objectives. Download it now to help you achieve your goals.

27. PERT Chart Template for Google Sheets
PERT is an acronym for program evaluation and review technique. Using this free PERT chart template for Google Sheets helps teams visually map out project tasks, dependencies and timelines. It provides a structured way to break down complex projects into individual tasks, estimate durations and identify the critical path for efficient scheduling.

28. Critical Path Template for Google Sheets
The critical path is the longest sequence of dependent tasks in a project that determines the shortest possible completion time. Use this free critical path template for Google Sheets to help project managers when scheduling projects. It enables project teams to calculate task durations, set dependencies and pinpoint activities that, if delayed, could extend the entire project timeline.

29. Lessons Learned Template for Google Sheets
Use this lessons learned template for Google Sheets to review what went right and what went wrong after completing a project. The review process identifies weaknesses and opportunities, ending with action items to implement for future projects to avoid those pitfalls and take advantage of improving the management of projects.

30. Stakeholder Register Template for Google Sheets
Stakeholders are any person or organization with a vested interest in the project’s success. Project managers can use this stakeholder register template for Google Sheets to track and manage key stakeholders. It serves as a central document to record stakeholder details, influence levels and communication strategies.

31. Change Impact Assessment Template for Google Sheets
This change impact assessment template for Google Sheets is a tool used to assess and document the potential impacts of a proposed change within a project or organization. It helps teams evaluate how changes will affect various aspects such as processes, resources, timelines and stakeholders.

32. Eisenhower Matrix Template for Google Sheets
Named after US President Dwight D. Eisenhower, this Eisenhower matrix template for Google Sheets is based on his principle of distinguishing between tasks that are urgent, important or neither. It helps project managers and their teams prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance by dividing them into four categories to guide decision-making. It helps project teams focus on what truly matters.

Go Beyond Project Management Templates for Google Sheets with ProjectManager
As good as project management templates for Google are, they can only take you so far. You’ll find it frustrating to have to manually add all the data to these static spreadsheets, which are isolated from your other project tools. If you’re looking for a seamless and more efficient way to work, then you’ll want to explore project management software solutions. ProjectManager is award-winning project management software that helps you plan, manage and track your projects in real time. Everything a project management template for Google does, our software does better.
Keep Your Team’s Workload Balanced
You’ve already combined your action plan, resource plan, to-do list, budget and WBS into our powerful Gantt charts. Now, you need to make sure your teams are working at capacity without burning them out and threatening morale—which is a project killer. Our resource management features allow you to set the availability of each team member, including PTO and global holidays. Then toggle to the color-coded workload chart to see who’s overallocated and who’s not. Without leaving the chart, you can reallocate resources to balance your team’s workload.

Track Progress and Performance in Real Time
Planning is only the start of a project. Next, comes the execution and control. That involves having the tools to monitor what your team is doing. Our real-time dashboard gives you a high-level view of the project across various metrics, such as time, cost, workload and more, with easy-to-read graphs and charts. Unlike lightweight project management software, our dashboard doesn’t make you waste time setting it up. Just toggle to the dashboard and it’s ready to go.
If you need a more detailed analysis, use our customizable reporting tools. They’re easy to generate and can be filtered to show only what you want to see. There are status and portfolio reports, timesheet and workload reports, plus many more. All can be shared in a variety of formats with stakeholders to keep them updated.

Those are just a few of our features. We also have multiple project views beyond the Gantt chart, including kanban boards, task lists and more, all updated together so you can work the way you want and still be able to collaborate with cross-functional teams. There are also task management tools to help with productivity and risk management features that manage issues. Project management templates for Google can’t do any of this, let alone automate workflows and assign task approvals to ensure quality deliverables.
ProjectManager is online project management software that connects teams anywhere and at any time. We empower you to plan, manage and track your projects in real time with dynamic features that allow you greater control over your projects to deliver success. Join teams at companies such as Avis, Nestle and Siemens who use our software to succeed. Get started with ProjectManager today for free.